Minggu, 21 Oktober 2018



Group Name :
1.      Diaz Rianty Safitrie (28216074)
2.      Gita Mawar Mawangi (23216070)
3.      Larassati Anngita Putri (24216003)
4.      Nur Ayna Angkat (25216534)
5.      Olivia Shania Yudhistira (25216685)
6.      Tiara Ary Gerindra (27216379)
Class : 3EB01


First Assignment.

Rangga            : Hello, I don’t think we’ve met. My name is Rangga Putra.
Ricko               : My name is Ricko Wardana. Pleased to meet you.
Rangga            : Pleased to you too. What company are you from Mr. Ricko?
Ricko               : I’m from Astra Honda Motor.
Rangga            : Ah yes, I know that company. And what’s your position there?
Ricko               : I’m the head of production.
Rangga            : Oh Really. That’s interesting.
Ricko               : How about you Mr. Rangga?
Rangga            : I’m the manager of food company.
Ricko               : Wow, what’s your company name?
Rangga            : My company is Warunk Upnormal.
Ricko              : Oh ya, very interesting Mr. Rangga. I often eat there, I think the food there is very tasty and the place is cozy.
Rangga            : Thank you  Mr. Ricko.
Ricko              : Yes, and it’s a growing market.
Rangga            : Yes, but a very competitive one Mr. Ricko.
Ricko              : That’s right. Please call me Ricko
Rangga            : Okay Ricko. Let me introduce you to someone. Rosa this is Ricko Wardana, he’s the head of production for Astra Honda Motor. And Ricko this is Rosa Putri, my accountant.
Rosa                : How do you do Mr.Ricko ?
Ricko              : I’m very well, thank you. Nice to meet you Ms. Rosa.
Rosa                : Nice to meet you too Mr. Ricko
Ricko              : How long have you been with this company ?
Rosa                : I’ve been with Warunk Upnormal for 2 years.
Ricko              : where did you graduate from ?
Rosa                : I’m from Gunadarma. After attending study at Gunadarma, I started working for Warunk Upnormal.
Ricko              : Oh great. I’m a graduate of Gunadarma too.
Rangga            : Anyway Ricko, where are you from ?
Ricko              : I’m from Bekasi. How about you ?
Rangga            : I’m from Bandung and Rosa from Depok. But our head office based in Bandung. So, Rosa is contracting a house now in Bandung.
Ricko              : How many branches does Warunk Upnormal have now ?
Rangga            : Currently there are 23 branches in Indonesia.
Ricko              : Oh waw. Do you have a business card? I’d like to contact you for place a reservation in Warunk Upnormal. If someday I want to hold a meeting or party, I will come to Warunk Upnormal
Rangga            : Sure! Let’s have a conversation and see if you need to help. Give me your card also. If later there is an attractive promo from warunk upnormal, I will inform you.
Ricko              : Do you have a card Rosa?
Rosa                : Yes, I have.
Ricko              : Thank you. It’s been good to meet you Rangga, and Rosa. Very interesting to hear about your business. But I’m sorry, I have to go home now.
Rangga            : Yes, we’ve enjoyed meeting you too Ricko
Rosa                : Yes, it’s been great. What a pity you have to go home.
Ricko              : Well, all good things must come to an end. But I’m sure we will meet again
Rangga            : Yes, I hope so.
Rosa                : And good luck for your business. I’m sure it will go well.
Ricko              : And I wish you every success too. Okay, see you next time.
Rangga            : Goodbye until next time Ricko.
Rosa                : Goodbye Mr. Ricko, take care.
Ricko              : Goodbye.

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